Where engineering meets conservation.

Upweller Technology

The Trofix Upweller has a flow rate 10 times greater than existing upwelling technologies having demonstrated a flow rate greater than 5 cubic meters per second. The upweller was developed through ARPA-E's Mariner program and is the culmination of six years’ of design engineering. Wave and solar energy turns the rotor which propels cool, nutrient-dense water to the surface. By using a completely new upwelling method, operational costs are much lower and scale potential much greater than existing technologies.

Conservation Impacts

Upwelling nutrient-dense water increases the growth of local phytoplankton and is associated with healthy, happy ecosystems. Carbon removal is an added bonus as upwelling boosts local ecosystem activity and causes biomass growth, which then sinks and sequesters carbon at the bottom of the ocean. In the event of a marine heat waves, upwelling near coral reefs can provide immediate temperature relief by blowing cool water over the reef. This may be one of the only ways to provide immediate relief to reefs amidst a rapidly warming planet. 

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